Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Time schedule/Production log

Time schedule/Production log
Name:    Adam Stuart               .                  


We were asked to set up an intro for our blog.

7th October

We were asked to set up a blog for quantitative and qualitative research

25th January

We were asked to create a questionnaire on Google documents.

10th February

We were asked to set up a blog about semiotic theory

8th February

We were asked to set up a blog about Cohen’s morale panic
8th February

We were asked to create a blog about feminism
January 2011

We were asked to create a blog about a magazine mock up
January 2011

We were asked to set up a blog about a newsletter analysis
January 2011

We were asked to create a blog about magazine terminology
February 2011

We were asked to create a blog about a mood board
February 2011

We were asked to create a blog about a college magazine front cover
December 2010
We were asked to create a blog about ideology
December 2010

We were asked to create a blog about are genre choice
January 2011

We were asked to create a blog about an analysis of two front covers
February 2011

We were asked to create a blog about are questionnaire results
     February 2011

We were asked to create a college contents page mock up
February 2011

We were asked to create a blog about 2 contents page analysis
February 2011

We were asked to create a blog about 2 double page spread analysis
February 2011

We were asked to create a blog about risk assessment and venue release
March 2011
We were asked to create a blog about Photoshop practices
January 2011
We were asked to create a blog about photographs
March 2011
We were asked to create a blog about production log
March 2011
We were asked to create a list of production for the magazine
March 2011
We were asked to create a blog for the front cover
March 2011
We were asked to create a blog about the contents page
March 2011
We were asked to create a blog for the double page spread
April 2011
We were asked to create a blog for the evaluation
On-going throughout.
We were asked to create a blog for the time schedule

Venue/Contribution release


Here are some of the picture i have taken that allowed me to pick the ones i wanted for my product

Actor list

The actors that took part in the taking of my photographs were...
George Hart
Liam Rudge
Robyn Reid Smith

Costume list

George - smark dark pants with white and black shirt and tie with coat/jacket.
Robyn - black dress with black leggings and bright make up.
Liam - smart shirt and tie with black leather jacket and converse.

Venue lists

Deyes high School music studio was used as it had all the required instruments and technology that i needed to tae my photographs

Double page spread mock up

Contents page mock up

Double page spread analysis

Contents page analysis

Risk assessment forms

these are the potential risks when taking the photographs for my product

Photoshop Practices

This i a picture of Dizzee Rascal that i have edited as one of my photoshop practices.



Double page spread Final draft

Double page spread practice

This was my first idea on presenting my double page spread however later changed my mind

Contents page Final draft

This is the completed andfinal version of my contents page

Contents page practice

  This is what my contents page was initially going to look like untill i changed the design idea

Front cover Final draft

This is my final draft of my front cover which i have improved from previous attemtps

Front cover practice

This is my first attempt of my front cover. As you can see i had the red and white theme throughout my attempts

Front cover analysis 2

End of Questionnaire results

Questionnaire results ( if answered no to purchasing music magazines )

Questionnaire results ( if answered yes to purchasing music magazines )

Questionnaire results

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Terminology for Music Magazine

This is the terminology used for the front cover of a music magazine

College newsletter mock up

This is the mock up of my college magazine. I made it simple looking so it would draw attention from the reader.

Friday, 4 March 2011


An ideology is a set of ideas that constitutes one's goals, expectations, and actions set to one group of people, I have to use theory to my music magazine to show what group of people I am aiming my magazine at. I will use this theory to attract readers to my magazine with the main attraction being the cool rock n roll, 'couldnt care less' attitude that can be seen in many musicians and youngsters in society today. I believe this will attract readers to the magazine as it is something that is very popular, especially with young people.

School Newsletter Analysis

In our media lesson we had to annotate two different newsletters from Deyes High School and St Ambrose Barlow, The image to the left is the Deyes High School Newsletter that is published monthly throughout the school year. Straight away it is clear to see that the newsletter is very plain a lacks any colour whatsoever making it dull to look at. The line drawing of the school gives the impression of being traditional and makes the newsletter seem out of date. A photo of the school would have been more modern and attractive to the target audience; students may find it better to read. There are three different fonts which include serif and non-serif font’s, I think the newsletter should have only stuck to one font because at the moment, everything seems separate. The comic sans font seems for the youthful audience in which it clashes with the ‘DEYES HIGH SCHOOL’ font, the capital letters seem to draw attention. Compared to the St Andrew Barlow’s newsletter, it would have been better if it had colour to attract and entice readers, instead it seems bland. The ‘Specialist science college’ acts as a puff as it is of an academic advantage to the school, which explains why it is in the middle of the cover.

The image of the St Ambrose Barlow newsletter has significant differences such as being in colour, the house style of red distinguishes the school from others. Unlike the Deyes newsletter, it stands out and would attract both students and parents. The photo of the school with captions also makes the schools appearance seem modern and more appealing. As there is an article, it entices the reader and with its splash line and images. The clashing of the red and black makes it stands out, especially with the masthead being in white. The black and red theme throughout becomes recognisable. In the bottom left hand corner, there is a puff for ‘Summer edition’ which stands out amongst the red and back because of the yellow shape. The motto at the bottom of the page comes in conjunction with the school’s beliefs, which makes it unique and familiar.

College contents page mock up

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Semiotic Theory

For my music magazine I am going to imply the theory 'The Semiotic Theory'. This theory was made by a man called 'Saussure'.

This theory is where there is a
 'sign',>'signifier'> 'signified'.
Rain > moody music > sadness.

 For example when i make my front cover of my magazine the sign will be a bright and bold colour then the signifier is 'bright pictures' so the signified is the rock magazine'.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Feminism is a term that refers to womens right's to equality. Something that even nowadays is not always present in every aspect of media. In feminism women believe they have the right to equal pay, repsect, and laws to men something that should not be debated. However in film today women are often treated as less important to men. The main roles are generally given to men who carry the strong and macho image whilst women are often given the dumb blonde/ attractive role that does nothing but make turn then into objects.

Voyuerism - turning the figure into an object so that it becomes more attractive
Fetishism - Cult of the female movie star, celebrated for her looks but considered an object and often treated as one.

 An example of this is megan fox (picture above) in the recent transformer movies were she consistantly appears on the screen in skipmy outfits that do not flatter her acting ability.

Cohen's moral panic

A moral panic is the intensity of feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order.

Features of a moral panic...

Concern - behaviour of a certain group or thins is seen as a threat
Volatitlity  - the situation erupts dramatically
Hostility - "folk devils" are constricted to create a diversion
Consensus - widesprwad acceptance of this threat
Disproportionality - wild exageration of the evidence

It was Stanley Cohen who first used the term "moral panic" in his work, folk devils and moral panicks (1972)
Those deviant groups were labelled by Stanley Cohen in 1972 as folk devils. He based his theory on the media reporting of conflicts between two teenage tribes of the 1960s, the Mods and Rockers, but his thinking can be applied to any subculture labelled as deviant or dangerous by the media.

Monday, 28 February 2011

Media Moodboard

This is my mood board of a collection of famous and talented rock artists

Friday, 25 February 2011

My Genre choice

My genre choice for my magazine is rock, many artists fall under this catergory such as, Arctic monkeys, foo fighters, kings of leon, muse and many more but these bands usually make up the catergory of modern rock however there is many different sub genres that make up rock music for example, alternative, indie, heavy metal, emo, garage, psychedelic and many more. A group of musicians specializing in rock music is called a rock band or rock group. Many rock groups consist of an electric guitarist, lead singer, bass guitarist, and a drummer, forming a quartet.Some groups omit one or more of these roles or utilize a lead singer who plays an instrument while singing, sometimes forming a trio or duo. Rock music is a genre of popular music that developed during and after the 1960's it also has its roots in 1940's and 50's due to rock and roll and rythm and blues.

rock and roll was the foundation of rock music in the early 1940's and 50's elvis was a key figure in this and is still today seen as the most popular and successful rock and roll artist to live.

The reason that i have chose this rock genre as it is one of the most popular in music today if not the most popular. I am releasing the magazine in the run up to download and leeds music festivals in the hope of attracting new buyers who will want to read about the upcoming events. Also with the genre being so popular at this moment i feel like i will have a higher chance of achieving success even though there is many successfull magazines already in this genre.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Monday, 7 February 2011

Coursework Research

For my coursework i had the option of using quantative research or qualitive.

Quantative research involves a large amount of data being gathered using such things as questionaires, surveys, statistics and counts of circulation. This is quicker and easier to do that qualitive research it also generally more precise information due to it often being figures that are more fact than opinion the only down fall is that it is less informative and is less exciting to construct compared to say a qualitive interview.

Qualitive research involves interviews and case studies it looks a lot more in depth than quantative research however it can take alot more time to construct. The information is always first hand and you know you can trust it as you have gathered the information yourself and may allow you to dig a little deeper in say an interview compared to a questionaire that are sometimes rushed and not given full attention. The downside being that you are not able to gain as wide of variety in your research as it would simple take to much time.

I have decided to use quantative research for my coursework as it is quicker to use and will give me a wider vareity of information and opinion.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Welcome to my blog

This blog has been set up to track my progress making a music magazine for my AS Media coursework. I will practise using software by creating a college magazine, i will research the music industry and the magazine industry to help me gain a better understanding of my task. In the task i will analyse 2 music front covers, 2 contents pages and 2 double page spreads i will also be doing an analysis of a college magazine a college magazine front cover and a contents mock up after doing this i will the justify my choices that i have made for my own magazine that i am going to create.

please feel free to leave any comments