Feminism is a term that refers to womens right's to equality. Something that even nowadays is not always present in every aspect of media. In feminism women believe they have the right to equal pay, repsect, and laws to men something that should not be debated. However in film today women are often treated as less important to men. The main roles are generally given to men who carry the strong and macho image whilst women are often given the dumb blonde/ attractive role that does nothing but make turn then into objects.

Voyuerism - turning the figure into an object so that it becomes more attractive
Fetishism - Cult of the female movie star, celebrated for her looks but considered an object and often treated as one.
An example of this is megan fox (picture above) in the recent transformer movies were she consistantly appears on the screen in skipmy outfits that do not flatter her acting ability.
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